Dr.Manju Keshari is a qualified medical practitioner (MBBS). She has done her Masters(MD) in Dermatology& Venereology. She’s practicing dermatology since 2001, with special interest in acne, acne scars, hair treatments & cosmetic procedure. After completing her master’s degree she underwent specialized training for lasers & others cosmetic procedures.She is devoted towards sharing her experience with her patients through array of services that she performs at her clinic, including general,cosmetic and surgical dermatology.The concept of her is to provide cure to her patient with proper diagnosis and friendly advised treatments, so the patient can maintain the natural beauty of their skin & hair.
She is attached to many other prestigious hospitals of Delhi and NCR .She is regular invitee for T.V shows and discussions on various channels. She is active in developing treatment s and customized protocols to give best results for individual patients.
Dr.Pawan Kesarwani - Is a well known urologist, practicing in Delhi& NCR. He has an experience of almost a decade, and an expert in all fields of Urology. His area of expertise is male sex related problems like sexually transmitted infection (STI) and male infertility including surgery for blockage of vas (sperm conducting tube) and varicocele. He deals with problem related to male sexual function like erectile dysfunction (ED), premature ejaculation etc.
Dr. Pawan Kesarwani , co-founder of kemps clinic is an urologist and andrologist. He will provide you the knowledge and help on urology & andrology problems. At the Kemps Clinics, we primary focus on utmost patient care with deep human care & Compassion.