Photo rejuvenation is a procedure that lessens wrinkles, blemishes, rosacea, spider veins, and pore size and sun damage. It stimulates new collagen formation beneath the epidermis and tightens the skin. For this we use intense pulsed light (IPL) that is attracted to both blood supply and melanin and removes unwanted facial veins and sun damage from the skin. The best part is no down time! You can return to work or your scheduled activity immediately after having a treatment.
Our system has epidermal cooling system that protects the skin surface with every laser pulse allowing for quick results and patient comfort. Complete treatment involves at least 3-4 sessions and this can be combined with other treatments in between the sessions to give maximum results.It is customized for you every single time to provide deep cleansing & optimal exfoliation. This may include extraction, microdermabrasion & peels chosen especially for you. Together these steps clear pores & slough away dead skin cells, leading to a clearer texture & more radiant tone.